i am sorry for that. You are right. Most of the "friends" I know are the same way. However i made it my FIRM resolve not to be like them. If we know how to do what is right and yet do not do it, it is a sin for us. I wont let that slow me down in my worship to God and discipleship of Jesus."
That's good you wont let it slow you down in your worship. I know that you wouldn't let that happen to any of the older ones in your congregation, defd. Unfortunately there are thousand's in the organization who don't have the luxury of being in your congregation. For JW's its all about "my" worship. That's why the oldsters are on thier own, its "thier" worship or problem. I'll never forget the parts on the DC program in 1994 about helping the elderly, how elders should access needs and set the example of helping them with tasks. NOT tasks of going out in the ministry primarily but physical needs. Wasted words on the survival of the fittest club. They dont beleive in evolution but they certainly act like it. The old are sloughed off and left in the dust. Your devotion to God and dicipleship of Jesus will be viewed as resplendant I'm sure.
Go get 'em.